Tag: verizon senior discount in florida

Why is Verizon Senior Plan Only in Florida │ Verizon 55 plus discount

Why is Verizon Senior Plan Only in Florida │ Verizon 55 plus discount

Verizon has an exclusive choice in mobile plans for seniors called the Verizon 55+ Unlimited Plan. Sadly, only Florida residents may currently get this plan. This limitation raises the question: Why Is Verizon Senior Plan Only in Florida?  We will examine the reasoning behind this choice and offer a thorough analysis of Verizon's approach and unlimited plan in this blog post. Why Is Verizon Senior Plan Only in Florida? It's been "in trial" for a couple of years now.  Not sure why they never rolled it out to everyone For Quick Answer! Due to Florida's high senior population, Verizon's Senior Plan is only available in the state, which makes it a perfect fit for centered testing. Verizon can collect important data, control risks, and adjust the plan by beginning in Florida and expanding...